The particularities of incrimination the separatism crime in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Moldova
Title info:
În: Legea și viața, ediție specială, iulie, 2023, Conferinţa ştiinţifică interuniversitară cu participare internatională „Prevenirea şi combaterea criminalităţii: probleme, soluţii şi perspective” Ediția a V-a, 18 mai 2023, Chișinău, 2023, p. 57-61. ISSN 2587-4365.
Publication type:
Bloc 1 (str. Gh. Asachi 21)
Count (Block 1):
The focal element of the present study is the Law of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova no. 9 of
02.02.2023 for the modification of some normative acts, entered into force on 18.03.2023, by which criminal liability
for the crime of separatism was provided for in the national criminal legislation under art. 3401 of the
Criminal Code. For the application of the criminal law in strict accordance with the principle of the legality of
incrimination, it is necessary to interpret the constituent elements and signs that are related to separatism and
that characterize it as a criminal act. Starting from this non-negligible premise and in order to ensure cognitive
knowledge of the phenomenon, in this study the particularities of criminalizing separatism are addressed with
the approach of the constitutive signs from which the legal essence of this criminal act derives.