Title:Interactions between the state and foreign investors in environmental and property protection
Title info:În: Legea și viața, nr. 07-08 (367-368) 2022, Chișinău, 2022, p. 106-113. ISSN 2587-4365.
Publication type:dSpace
Office:Bloc 1 (str. Gh. Asachi 21)
Count (Block 1):1
labels.backend.courses.fields.notes:The article presents the forms of interaction in terms of foreign investment with reference to
the protection of property interests on the one hand and the protection of environmental interests
on the other. The need to protect investors’ assets from expropriations directly related to the state’s
environmental interests has emerged relatively recently, but the parties to bilateral or multilateral
agreements have included provisions that protect the given values. Addressing the issue in the
light of the respective agreements is a welcome thing for both the host state of investment and the
investing state, each creating its own levers of protection of due interests. The effectiveness of these
provisions and the settlement of disputes arising from them remain at the discretion of the parties
in most cases, but the mechanisms provided offer some additional guarantees to be able to make
progress in both investment and environmental protection.