Publishing house:Academia „Ştefan cel Mare” a MAI al RM
Word key:torture
Title:The offense of torture in terms of the standards and precedents of the ECHR
Title info:În: Anale ştiinţifice ale Academiei „Ştefan cel Mare” a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne al Republicii Moldova. Știinţe juridice; Nr. 9, Chişinău, 2019, p. 76-80. ISBN 978-9975-121-61-3. ISSN 1857-0976.
Publication type:dSpace
Office:Bloc 1 (str. Gh. Asachi 21)
Count (Block 1):1 the given article it is analyzed the offense of torture incriminated in the art. 1661 of the Criminal Code of
the Republic of Moldova in terms of the normative standards established by the ECHR and the jurisprudence of the
European Court. As a result, there were evaluated the essential features of the national normative framework of the
incrimination of torture in relation to the existing European standards and practices in this domain. The pertinent
conclusions made by the authors offer the possibility of the understanding of the premises of the definition and incrimination
of the torture and inhuman or degrading treatment in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Moldova.